Personalized Open Education for the Masses, for a Personalized Open Lifelong Education ecosystem

Pierre Collet (University of Strasbourg, France)

Open Education is developing at high speed as Massive Open Online Courses. However, education cannot sum up  to providing online courses. It is necessary to also provide social interaction between students and the tutors in order to create a real educational ecosystem. This is what is sought with POEM, a Personalized Open Education for the Masses ecosystem, that uses complex systems in order to involves students and teachers in lifelong learning. 

Prof. Pierre Collet was the President of the French Association for Artificial Evolution from 2003 to 2008. After being head of the Department of Computer Science of the Strasbourg University from 2011 to 2015, he is now the co-coordinator of the Complex Systems Digital Campus UNESCO UniTwin, a large network of more than 120 universities around the world that are developing the new science of Complex Systems and head of the CSTB (Complex Systems and Translational Biology) research team at ICube Laboratory (CNRS 7357 UMR). Pierre Collet’s research specializes on Complex Systems, education and health ecosystems.